We appreciate all the support and feedback we’re receiving about indoor filming locations. Please keep suggestions coming.
We’re hosting a final 2014 happy hour before the holidays. Come hangout, talk about 2014, what you’re planning to create in 2015 or whatever is on your mind.
Where: Yard House – 1501 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101 (website)
When: Wednesday December 17th, 6-8pm.
Please RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/we-make-seattle-happy-hour-1217-tickets-14863265427
– Adam
We stopped by to visit the fine folks at Intentional Futures as potential office location for the film.
They’ve got lots of wide open work spaces, were super welcoming, and suggested we could re-arrange their space for a shoot (which might be necessary to get the aesthetic we’re going for).
We had the privilege of visiting Westward as a potential restaurant to be featured in our film.
They weren’t open while we were there, but there was plenty to explore.
We’re postponing tonight’s event until 12/17 due to travel and illness among team members. Many apologies for the late notice.
– Adam
We visited the fine folks at Jackson Fish Market this morning to scout their work space as a possible site for the film.
They’re located in the historic Inscape Arts and Cultural Center, which formerly housed the immigration services offices.
Come hang out with the We Make Seattle crew at Rob Roy in Belltown.
Let’s discuss making things, the film, or whatever’s on your mind.
Where: Rob Roy – 2332 2nd Ave Seattle, WA 98121 (website).
When: Thursday Nov 13th, 6pm-8pm (note happy hour ends at 7pm).
Their happy hour starts at 4pm if you want to get a head start on us. 🙂
Please RSVP:
– Adam
We’d like to hang out with our backers, friends, and supporters more often. So, we’re hosting happy hours to that end. The first one will be Thursday October 23rd.
Come share your ideas for the film. Ask questions. Tell us about what you’re making. Enjoy a beer, cider or cocktail (or two).
Where: Some Random Bar, 2604 1st Ave, Seattle, WA 98121 (website)
When: Thursday Oct 23rd, 6pm (until you want to leave)
Please RSVP at this link:
Hope to see you there. Cheers,
– Adam
We had a good shoot last night on Broadway. I can’t believe more of you didn’t come. Doesn’t this look like fun? It was! A few random people walking by even jumped in and showed off their moves. I love this city.
Thanks to Danny at Spin Cycle, the music/game store we filmed in front of, for helping out and and even playing music for us to dance to outside.
We’re filming this Thursday on Cap Hill and need some extras. This is your chance to be in the film.
This shoot is to capture the sidewalk dance sculptures on Broadway. They’re legendary symbols of creativity in Seattle and we finally got official permission to film them.
Bridge filming: Last week Dan and I got up at 6:30am to get some magic hour footage of the 520 bridge construction. The idea for this particular shot was to capture being on a bridge which watching a bridge grow, which is an unusual site to see in any city. And as bridges are mega-scale making efforts, it seemed a worthwhile shot to go after.
Dan set up a mounted rig on my Civic, with a display monitor viewable on the dash. It only took a few minutes to set up, and then…. I got to rack up my GoodToGo Pass charges, with 10 consecutive trips across the bridge 🙂
The light didn’t co-operate – we only only had a few good moments of light. But I’ll pick up the footage from Dan tonight and see what we have. If it’s worthwhile we may give it another go.