Dan and I will be shooting at the Sculpture garden and Myrtle Edwards Park tomorrow (map). At noon/lunchtime we can use a few extras – want to be in the film? Here’s your first chance.
You can bring a lunch and hang out on what should be a gorgeous day – now and then we may ask you to do certain extra like things (like walk on the trail, or sit in certain places). Please feel free to bring your friends or coworkers.
Leave a comment or contact me by email so we can work out details. Cheers.
Last week Dan I met to scout at Myrtle Edwards Park and the SAM Sculpture garden. We spent about an hour walking through, talking about the ideas I had for what to capture and why. There’s a great combination of landscapes and objects that most people won’t even realize were filmed just a few yards from each other.
I’m working on a plan now for when we’re going to shoot here and this will most likely be the next location we film. Offices and interior places will come later as I’m trying to prioritize outdoor shoots first while the weather is co-operating with us. More details soon – we may have need of some extras for this one.
We had our first day of shooting at Seattle’s Folklife Festival. I’m glad we choose to film here as it was, as suspected, filled with interesting Seattle-ites doing interesting and creative things. Despite the weather forecast we had surprisingly good weather. Tony Bocci joined us as AD for the shoot.
I’m working on planning our next shoots. If you want to help, take a look at our locations list and leave suggestions or ideas.
As we’re moving into production, it’s time to nail down primary filming locations. The audio track we’ve spent weeks putting together is the spine for the film, and will lead the way on deciding what locations to shoot in.
Here’s my list of 5 primary locations with notes.
We’re hard at work scouting locations for We Make Seattle. One possible location for some filming is the Northwest Folklife Festival, which takes place later this month at the Seattle Center (May 23-26).
I reached out to the organizers to talk about the project and soon discovered they had their own story of helping make Seattle a great place for creative people. I met with Michael Chandler (Festival Production Director) and Kelli Faryar (Programs Manager) at Cherry Street coffee on Denny and 5th yesterday.
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Hi everyone. Welcome to spring. Here’s some good news for you.
On the road to getting the rough audio track completed, the WMS team interviewed six local creatives and entrepreneurs. I wanted to announce them here and thank them for lending their voices (quite literally) to the project.
They each let us interview them for an hour about Seattle, entrepreneurship, creativity and why they chose to pursue their work here in our city. And a 5 minute audio track, edited down from hours of recording, is the basis for the actual film.
As a general update, now that spring is here our pace is finally picking up. We’re working on locations and a shooting schedule this week. More soon.
Hi folks. Apologies for the long silence (I’m hanging my head in shame as I write this). Without the audio track narrative put together, not much other work could be done, and I didn’t see the point in empty, fluffy updates.
I’m posting with good news and a nice sized update. The major task at hand had been working the 6 hours of audio interviews down into a 4 minute track. That sounds like a magic trick and it is. It takes much time to reduce time, especially if the audio is going to be the spine of the film. I’ve been splicing, editing, revising, listening, reviewing, note taking and then revising again like mad.
I worked all weekend to finally get this step complete and I was successful. Yay.
Hi supporters, fans and other folks. This is Berkun here with the latest update.
Things have been rolling along here at WMS HQ (we don’t have a HQ of course, but it’s fun to say) and I have some news on the production of the film to share.
As mentioned in the past, I’m building the audio for the film first, using interviews local creatives and entrepreneurs. DP Dan McComb and I have completed 5 interviews to date (officially known as: round one). Here’s a photo of interview #4, of me interviewing Jesse Smith, star of the local Deep Prep cooking show.
Last week the production team had a marathon schwag party at producer Adam Baggett’s Belltown abode. With beers and pizza (carefully) in hand we folded, packed, labeled and stamped every single package for each of you wonderful supporters. We put extra TLC and good vibes in each and every package.
Hi folks. Apologies for taking so long since the last update on the production of the short film We Make Seattle. It’s entirely my fault so if you have been giving dirty looks to the website or any of the crew, please re-aim those looks right here at yours truly.
I’m pleased to report significant progress. Over the last month I’ve done audio interviews with three local entrepreneurs and creatives. These have gone well and I’ll continue doing them over the next few weeks. Soon we’ll post here on the blog with profiles of the people we’ve interviewed to share the stories we’re capturing and invite you to into the process.