Kickstarter update: 60% ($17k) funded
Thank you to everyone who has helped to spread the word about our kickstarter campaign. And a big thank you to everyone who has pledged. We would not be at 60% of our goal if it wasn’t for you.
We are honestly surprised that we have reached 60% of our goal without a sponsor at the Gold or Platinum levels. If you work for a Seattle corporation or organization please consider pledging at these levels. 5 Reasons why your company should do so.
We still have 16 days to go, which is both good and bad. It is good because we still have that many days to reach our funding goal. It is bad because this is typically when campaigns start to drag and lose momentum and attention.
We are working to counteract these trends by keeping you informed about the status of the project, knocking on the doors of companies for sponsorship, and making an update video.
But we still need your help. Please continue to share about the project via Twitter and Facebook. And please consider supporting the project.
If you need more encouragement to support, check out what the media is saying about our project: GeekWire, Time and the Huffington Post.